
On a much lighter note, let's play a fun game of "You Write the Caption" for this photo. I have a few that I jotted down already, but I want to see everyone's creative side before I reveal them! Let's keep it clean and above reproach now people!
PT Barnum
How about this for a caption:
"A Decent Role Model for America's Youth"
"A Day in the Life of a Hyper-Fundy Celebrity!"
"And Jack, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes?"
"would you sign my NAS Bible? And then in my Authorized Version right by the full Translator's Notes... thanks Dude"
"I almost forgot...would you sign it right by 1 Thes 2:4ff? And could you comment on how this relates to your theory that numbers verify doctrinal/practical purity?" Thanks...
Sam Hendrickson
Hysteric fundyism at its best...young people misappropriating the place of the "man of God" in their life and becoming enamored with someone who will eventually lead them into disillusionment and disappointment.
It is shocking to me that neither Schaap's church or his strong supporters have NOT held him accountable for the heretical teachings that he has taught over the past few years.
Good to see that the tent is still up at the circus!
"Where did you get that pocket square, Preacher? I picked it up on sale at JC Penney!"
PT Barnum
This is the gayest thing I've ever seen.
"We wuv you Preeeaacher, oh yes we dooo, we don't wuv ANYONE as much as yoooouuuuu---when yer not with us, we're bluuuueeee! OH DOCTOR SCHAAP WE WUV YOOOUUUU!!!
"Hey Preacher! Will you sign my Stacey Adams Juniors?"
Who are all the pansies that left a comment as "Anonymous?" If you're going to slander a man, at least have some backbone about it.
Baptist man,
Not sure that anyone has "slandered" Schaap here. We originally did not allow anonymous comments when we started but we soon changed our minds on that. You see in the world of IFBxdom you need to give people the ability to interact in a place like this anonymously. If you have ever studied the Amish and their "shunning" you will understand a little part of what some within IFBx circles has to endure.
Tell you what, before YOU slander some decent anonymous posters by saying they "slandered" someone why don't YOU offer some proof? The harshest comment came from Mike Hess who is anything but anonymous.
I will be waiting for your proof--if you don't provide it then YOU are the slanderous one and you owe my anonymous posters an apology.
BTW, thanks for visiting the circus--hope to see your proof soon!
Matthew Richards aka PT Barnum
This is especially for Baptist Man:
"Suffer the little children to come unto me for of such is the kingdom of Hammond."
Jack Schaap
"Now guys listen, I'll tell you the secret. When you open the doors to your non-accredited colleges, wait a few years and then start handing out fake doctorate degrees. It's wonderful because when you print out the fliers for your pastor schools and youth conferences, people (around the world) will actually think that all the men on your staff are actually Dr's. (Quieter) It's called deception, (Louder)...um so well uhhh how was my sermon?"
-The Wizzle fo shnizzle
Score another "victory" for Baptist Royalty at its most hyper-celebritous. Now excuse me while I go spit up. ~ Little Lamb
Go Green! Make sure Ole' Jackie Boy is around when you release that spittle, right in the eye would be nice! :) I love you too!
-Da' Wizzle
Lest you forget that Schaap has a long history of being spat upon--it all started at Pillsbury Baptist Bible College when he was trying to bring revival to the campus!
Little Lamb,
Thanks for visiting our blog and partaking in the "You Write the Caption" game! I am thinking about making this a permanent and regular part of our circus! I think the participation has been astounding!
PT aka Matthew
While I understand that many have been abused by such men, and that the injury done is likely to produce resentment, and that this should not be ridiculed, yet the tone in this page, indeed in much of this blog, is very self-righteous, and demonstrates the fact that the "IFBx" heritage can continue right in the middle of such as suppose to correct it. Is not such idiocy as the IFBx people manifest, really a part of all of us? And if so, should we not magnify the grace of God if we have been delivered, rather than belittling such as as still blinded in this area?
And as for Baptist man's comments, if this anonymous post: "And Jack, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes?" is not slanderous, then what is? Wonder if anyone here would feel slandered by such a representation of them in a public blog.
I completely disagree with your assessment of the blog but you are entitled to your opinion and I appreciate your voicing it. We love differing opinions given in a Christ-like spirit--thank you.
We have said from the beginning that not everyone would like the circus--some will benefit from it (we have scores of emails to prove that) and some will think it is silly and unhelpful.
You are welcome here and welcome to share your opinions--we value them. That is one of the very things that runs counter to the IFBx mentality.
As far as slander goes, I disagree vehemently with the notion that the anonymous post you mentioned slandered Schaap. I would not have posted it but then again I wouldn't have posted much of what you have posted either--we are different people. This is a light-hearted thread and if you fail to find it amusing I understand. You actually might find some humor in the "Gaudy Shoes of an IFBx Icon" post from a couple years ago! Check it out and leave us a comment with your thoughts!
I have to run and get the cotton candy machine going--I will check back in later!
PT Barnum
Dear Charles and Baptist Man,
Rather than being troubled by the alleged "slander", does it bother you at all to wonder what could possibly be the cause of whatever is taking place in the picture? One would have difficulty differentiating this snapshot from any of the hundreds of snapshots taken at Elvis Presley concerts.
I take it you fellas are not at all familiar with ministries saturated with completely man-centered themes.
Thank you for your kindness to me. I am merely suggesting that it is appropriate for Schaap also. I don't think it thoughtful to suggest that Schaap thinks he's the Messiah by attributing Messianic phrases to him, or that this does not constitute mockery. I seriously doubt you would take kindly to it were I or anyone else on this blog to attribute such a phrase to yourself, for instance.
And there is much on this site that makes a huge issue of the "standards" of the IFBx, which I nearly completely agree with, when their sinfulness has nothing to do with their standards... unless we are going to say its a sin for women to wear only dresses, or for believers to not go to the movies.... as though women were commanded to wear pants, and to go ga ga over Brad Pitt.
I feel that this site could be used more effectively by the Lord should the men posting here find a spirit of love and sincere pity for those injured by their sin, remembering how injured we are by ours, and how scarcely we get from it, and also think that it would be improved if they would stick to the real point... that of forgetting worship, faith, humility and love, and relinquishing the notion that I can't really be walking with God until I join the 20th century's descent into worldliness. But it's hard to emphasize areas where we're still struggling in ourselves, and while I personally understand that, yet pointing it out might be edifying.
Hi there Anonymous,
Well, yes, that does bother me, and your pointing it out makes it more clear. Looks kind of like worship...., and hence the comment. Maybe I should be more sensitive to the fact that there is an egregious sin displayed there, but then why not just point that out as you did to me? I think such a method would be more likely to effect repentance in those most likely to be granted it from the Lord.
Mr. Church,
You seem to have forgotten that some of these very "standards" have been made tantamount to fundamental doctrines among the hyper strain of fundies. I fail to remember where this blog has belittled anyone personally? Rather, this blog's aim seems to be to speak out about an extremely self-aggrandizing and polarizing ministry, something that is rarely possible.
It also would be helpful to remember that the ringmaster here allows for much freedom of expression and speech---something that many have found to be as refreshing as a breath of spring.
Mr. Church,
I am a benevolent dictator here at Bread and Circuses. I have deleted posts that were nasty and un-Christlike on both sides of IFBxdom. We love differing opinions here and do not make a practice of correcting every little point in any given comment.
I am glad that you agree with the "standards" of IFBxdom--this doesn't necessarily mean that you are right on these various issues. That is the beauty of historic fundamentalism/evangelicalism--you are allowed to have a different view on these standards and still enjoy sweet fellowship with others of like faith. When you step over the line and start being dogmatic about what the Scripture is not dogmatic about you are a hysterical fundy and need to get back to the Book.
I love my hysterical fundy brothers and sisters--we even banter back and forth on the FFF quite often. Maybe you and I can have the same sort of relationship here under the big top. As long as you keep it clean, profanity free, and in a Christ-like spirit I will enjoy your ramblings.
I still disagree with your accusation of "slander" against Jack Schaap--I think it was posted in jest and I would find it just as funny if it were a picture of me in the middle of a crowd like this. You need to remember that Jack Schaap was spat upon on many occasions in the past--perhaps this anonymous comment was playing off of that story? I will give some grace on this one and would hope that you do the same.
PT Barnum aka Matthew Richards
Hi Matthew....
Well... if you only knew how often I was on the other side of this debate, you'd wonder what I was doing defending this piece of ground, because I've had, and still have, a self-righteous spirit, and it comes out from time to time. I'm not even saying I "USED" to have, but that I STILL have it. It is,however, now a thing I fight against, and I have to almost laugh that I am now the guy advocating backing off the denunciations, instead of making them. I still think it inappropriate. I've given my reasons. You've given yours. So whatever.
I do have one question for you: Is saying that the bible teaches that women should wear dresses to church "hysterical fundy"?
a few years ago, Jack Schaap, Clarence Sexton and Jack Trieber had a special dinner with President Bush along with some other "Christian" leaders. I saw the picture in Dr. Trieber's office, and it was funny looking at Schaaps face. He's so used to haveing every one fawning over him, it was funny to see Schaap fawning over Bush to get an autograph. :)
Mr. Church,
To answer your question, no. Now if you taught like my pastor growing up taught that only whores and harlots wore britches then you would be a hysterical nut. I think you are safely outside the bounds of IFBxdom on your conviction concerning slacks.
Any other questions? Feel free to pepper us.
I would love to have a photo of that scene! Amazing how many times Pastor Schaap reminded his people that he was going to see the POTUS!
pt barnum,
Here is the Websters 1828 definition of a "slanderer":
"a defamer; one who injures another by maliciously reporting something to his prejudice"
I don't owe any of your readers an apology. You owe Dr. Schaap an apology. I doubt any of the people lacking the backbone to give their identity here has talked to Jack personally about their issues with him. Instead, you've given them this place that oozes with spirituality and godliness. I'm sure Jesus would be in line to leave a comment like some of the "anonymous" people have.
As far as "shunning" is concerned, if you can't stand IFBxdom that much, why are you so worried about being shunned by it? If you hate it that badly, being shunned by it should be something you should want!
If you want to point out areas where you think he's wrong or even a heretic, you can do that with class and dignity. You should probably do it with a tear in your eye as well. Have you prayed for Dr. Schaap?
Wait, I think I'm getting a little too spiritual for this crowd. Later!
Hi Matthew,
The reason I asked if teaching that the bible required women to wear dresses to church rendered one "hysterical fundy", is because if you answer yes, (and you did), then you have just labeled John Gill as a hysterical fundy. (See his commentary on ITim.2 "modest apparel") And this is the problem I see with all the arrogance of the day. We pitch out 20 centuries of ethics with a laugh, and mock all who don't guzzle the delusion with the crowd, and never wake up to the fact that we're the one's that MOCKED the godly of the past, while we pretend to laud them. I'm sure you know the biblical precedent for this, without my citing it.
That sounds harsh. I don't condemn you. Most of my friends are like you. I just wish God would do a great work for His people, in turning them from their conformity to the world. Truly desiring your blessing.
Baptist guy,
With full acknowledgment that we all can be Pharisees at times, I feel the necessity to remind you to lighten up and stop being one.
You have assumed things about Barnum that you do not know, e.g. that he "hates" IFBxdom--a bit of exaggerated rhetoric wouldn't you say?
I only hope that your holy concern for Barnum is matched by your abhorrence for man-centered ministries, personality cults, and extra-biblical topical "preaching".
God bless.
baptist lad,
I am not concerned about being shunned by IFBxers. My point was that there are those who post here who attend FBC or have recently left there who don't wish to reveal their identity. Anyone who has half a brain can figure out who I am as ringmaster of this wonderful circus. I don't like being shunned but I can handle it and have handled it.
No anonymous posters on this thread have stepped over the line or else I would have deleted their posts. As far as an apology goes--ROFLMHO!
Your tone is starting to get a bit un-Christlike--if you don't shape up I will ban you quicker than you can say "pocket porky"!
Matthew aka PT Barnum
Mr. Church,
You have defamed me and slandered me by saying that I answered your silly question with a "yes" when I really said, "no". I suppose the thread will speak for itself but I believe you owe me a tearful apology!
We don't mock Biblical standards, we only mock the cultural ones made up and propagated by IFBx screechers.
If you would like to discuss specific standards or 20-century- old teachings grounded in Scripture that we supposedly mock I would love it. As far as you condemning me goes I couldn't care less what you think of me or my circus. You are welcome here as long as you don't resort to profanity-laced tirades.
Matthew aka PT
If your post stood before as it does now, then I apologize. However, I distinctly remember you answering that question with a yes, and hence my reply. But I could be wrong about that. Perhaps it was haste and error on my part. But if I am mistaken, then I was just that ... mistaken, with an intent only to challenge your view, and if this is reckoned as sin, then I don't know what this board is here for.
So I encourage you to lighten up.
So are you saying, then, that you don't think that to teach that the bible requires women to wear dresses to church is "hysterical fundy", but that to label godly women as whores because they wear pants is? I would agree with that, actually, and I think Gill would too.
My intention was to point out that what the modern "hysterical antinomian" mocks with such profound conceit is often what the church has always practiced as a part of obedience to God... and moderns never seem to get the point.
So.... I'll ask you again... is it "hysterical fundy" to forbid believers to go to the theater?
If you think I was serious about a "tearful apology" you really ought to read my opening paragraph again. I know it is hard to convey sarcasm in written form especially without any emoticons. I was certainly not serious--no hurt feelings on this side of things. Just so you know there is no way for me to edit a comment after it is posted--I can delete posts altogether but that is it.
Before I answer your question let me preface by saying that what you have as a personal conviction is really none of my business. You could follow an Amish way of living and that would be fine by me. I think the problem arises when your personal convictions becomes points of division or a litmus test of sorts for fellowship.
To answer your question, yes, it is hysterical/cultural fundy to "forbid" believers to go to the theater. I frankly don't care who you will quote as "forbidding" theater attendance unless it is my LORD and Savior. My guess is that you have a DL Moody or CH Spurgeon quote that you are going to smack down--go ahead but I don't worship either one of them ;-}
Matthew aka PT Barnum
My point is not that quoting men of God from history in their universal reprobation of the stage somehow proves that the stage is sin. It proves that those who claim to laud and admire the heroes of the faith from the past, really think they're histerical fundy. You are willing to admit that, so point made. Most people are not. They wish to act as though they loved and admired such men as they persecute any who believe, practice, or express themselves as they did. When I have more time, perhaps I will post such quotes. Having written a book about it, I have plenty of them. I think its healthy for men to see their spiritual pedigree.... Owen? or Laud? Etc. Blessings.
Oh yes... forgot.... My apologies for mis reading your previous post. Glad you didn't take it so seriously. ;)
I read my last post again and I wanted to clarify something. I cannot remember the last movie I went to see--I think it was Madagascar with my wife and children. Before that I think it was Curious George. I believe that we need to be discerning in what we watch whether it be in the theater or at home.
I have not been convicted about attending G rated movies as of yet--if I ever am I will immediately cease from the error of my way :-)
This isn't really a caption but I think the picture looks alot like Vladimer Putin inside a croud of young Commies. I mean look at their haircuts. Don't mean to offend but thats what this looks like. Then again, not around baptists much anymore.
Sorry that this shows as anonymous, short timer
Thanks for the site
"I promise you boys, we are not switching Bibles."
"So, which of you guys would like to see the mantle that Dr. Hyles left for me when God took him to heaven? Whoever get's the most converts on their bus routes on Pentacoast Sunday, wins.
So Pastor why did you preach
against women wearing pants at our men's meeting?
No son, I can not recommend you for the ministry, you have two hairs touching your right ear.
Yes, I understand you have attended HAC for ten years, but the answer is still NO.
I don't get it pastor, why was Larry Brown standing on our pulpit?
Guys, we are fundamentalist men, you shouldn't ask questions like that, we are in church. Let me handle the subject of intimacy from the pulpit. I can say anything I want up there because I am the expert on the subject. Besides, I do the question asking around here!
"Pastor, all of us just signed up to go in the Marine Corps together to help fight the enemies of America. We will all be back in church in uniform after boot camp. We'll just see if you have the guts to preach against the Marine Corps then."
"Wow! A black guy, Whoa! 2 black guys, didn't even know we had black folk in our church. Wanna be a janitor?"
"Pastor, can you give me a chapter and verse on wearing these coats and ties all the time?"
Excuse me boys, my Metamucil is beginning to work.
Sir...we are blind...I mean blindly loyal. Where you lead we'll follow -- all the way to the privy!
"I told you fella's that I'll sign your Bible's only after I preach another scathing classic sermon on the evil's of the southern gospel music industry."
"What! Sign your Bible.......Son, I am the leader of fundamentalism."
"Who'd he mean by, 'Who's gonna fill that chair'. I done filled that chair, boys."
"You guys are telling me all the women walked out just because I preached against their pants. Don't they realize that's one of our fundamental doctrines we believe?"
"Pastor can we have a soulwinning contest with the prize being a meal out at Mike Ditka's Restauant, so we can eat out like you?"
"Pator, last week you preached about Creedence Clearwater Revival songs. Is that some Florida town & what song are we going to sing when we have our revival?"
"Preacher, I want to take you up on your double-dog dare about finding a Christian schol that is Christian. The great Christian school I came from was a school where I learned the Bible and they taught me not to criticize other schools. So what gives with your dare?"
"Do you guys know who Nightbus is, no, I don't know either?
How about Raider, Gone, Teri, Justamama, Grid?
Can you guys find out for me?"
This picture is deeply troubling. If the focus in on God's word then why are these young men obviously focused on the preacher? It appears they are having difficulty separating the origin of the message with the messanger. Why would that be? Caption "Have no idols before me"
"Guys!............ get away from me for now! They're talking about us on bread and circuses. We can do this again next week because 1st thing Monday morning I'll institute a new rule. There will be no more cameras allowed in chapel. After all I RUN this college."
As the Extra-Terrestrial life form lowered itself down from it's lofty position - the SHEEPLE gathered in closely, some shaken with fear, other nervous with anticipation. Most eagerly desiring and craving communion with this Foreign Entity. Drawn to the great ORB of light . . . the SHEEPLE did worship and were engulfed into it's sphere of Luminescent Radiation. Unbeknownce to the worshippers, the glowing orb that radiated from the E.T. would enter into their minds. Utterly confusing the individual and within five years, ALL the SHEEPLE would forget the most sacred words of there father which HE had written in a book.
And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.
This is still soooo GAY!
Guys, that was not a wig. George Washington had a long haired hippie, hair style. I wouldn't have wanted him for my president.
suggested photo caption:
If I can but touch the hem of his garment!
I am not all about the numbers!
How many of you guys think that of me?
Have u guys come across this? Thoughts/Opinions
We want the circus, We want the circus,We want the circus,We want the circus,We want the circus,We want the circus,We want the circus,We want the circus,We want the circus,We want the circus,We want the circus,We want the circus,We want the circus,We want the circus,We want the circus,We want the circus,We want the circus,We want the circus,
Hey guys, me and Dave Hyles and Bro. Bob Gray are gonna go cruise around Calumet city tonight ... you know, a little ministering needs to be done. We want to give something back to the orphans and widows. So if any of you boys want to do a little ministerin..wink, wink, just meet us at the Limo at 9:00.
Sorry, Dave just called, he said he won't be able to make it due to a porn shoot.
Thanks for signing up to count coconuts today. In this monkey business of keeping up with ourselves and pressing on the upward way, let me tell you what I want our numbers to say...........
"Teach you Square Dancing lessons in Men's Chapel, no way. Does J. Grogan sing square dancing songs?"
Shallow, shallow little fellow, decked in a fancy suit and shiney shoes,
This little man with spine of jello, he so wants to run and break free.
Shallow, shallow little fellow,
I would encourage you to run and take your flight,
Set sail for liberty and grace, you won't shipwreck, God is your might,
While in the darkness, He only will provide your light,
Shallow, shallow little fellow,
come rest in Gods harbor, for it is peaceful there,
God doesn't manipulate by guilt and pressure,
That is the devils SNARE.
"Guys for once I'm
speechless ..................................................................................... what are we going to do now that our staff barber has retired."
Aaahhhh shucks Boss, that aint nothin. I gotta bowl and Bubba's gotta machete....we'll hav'em high n tight before you can say HAC-ER!
Ok boys that's good but I don't want any of them rock-&-roll Beatles haircuts.
The next thing you know some liberal Christian school will send us their long-haired hippies who play those devil drums while singing southern gospel.
"You guys keep me surrounded and someone with a 34 X 32 pair of black suit pants trade with me real quick so I can go greet the visitors in the meet & greet room.
Why? I'll tell you why! I wanted to be like Larry Brown and climb up on the pulpit and preach. That's when I ripped my pants."
"What is the confusion? Those with tan suits are ushers today. Those with Black suits are my bodyguards today, and remember I am the leader of fundamentalism and I have enemies.
Oh one more thing, what's up with you with the kid without a suit?"
Look out Dr. Schaap! The kid with no suit is the enemy...he's the anti-christ!
Hurry body guards, gather around me, I need to be safe!
Bro. Schaap this guy has a demon, can you exercise it out of him?!
Don't be silly...that's not in the Bible!!! IS IT??
Jack hasn't pushed u guys into hiding has he? :) C'mon guys I'm jonesing for my circus fix. Please, maybe? just a little?
-Bob Hooker
Who cares, you guys have been on this for years--FBCH is no longer even relevant to anything. The only things that I learned at HAC and HBHS is that God is a non-entity there, it is all about Jack Hyles(even though he has been dead for years) and will continue to be so, there is no change as long as people like Don Boyd, Tom Vogel, Bob Auclaire, and Ray Young still have any say so.
I am basically all but an atheist now and have never been so happy. My 12 years at FBHS and going through their supposedly christian schools there was the most unhappy period of my life!
Beleive me, nobody knows or cares who these clowns are outside the CHicago area.
Hey Mr. who cares, sorry to hear of your horrible experiences at FBCH. I went to college at HAC for a couple of years and that was all it took to mess my head up for a long time. I can't imagine being raised up in that man worshipping mess! Funny you said it, because I have been thinking about the fact that no one outside of the Chicago/Hammond area even knows who or what Hyles is. I live in a completly different state and am in my 40's now, and in all my years in various churches, I have only run across about 3 people who have ever heard of the man. To hear them talk at that college, they lead everyone to think that the only reason God has spared America, is because Hyles is romping up & down the country preaching the word. Over the past 26 years I've worked with literally thousands of people on my job, and in casual conversation have mentioned Hyles and FBCH...and guess what? NOT ONE SOUL EVER HEARD OF HIM OR IT. FBCH greatly exagerates their importance. They ARE NON RELEVANT in our lives.
However, The Lord Jesus Christ is absolutly relevant. Go back to zero. Not to insult...but maybe you just need to simply trust Jesus Christ. He's not the harsh task master that you were taught. He tells the heavey laden to come to him. His yoke is EASY...His burden is LITE. They don't teach that up there. Hey friend...get on your knees, confess your sin, talk to the one who IS love. He's calling you unto himself... accept him, and let him love you. God bless, God bless, God bless. You ARE in my prayers.
trophyshooter, I am also in my 40s and personally dont care if you want to follow Jesus or not. Number 1, you have no definite proof that he exists or he is God--just because you say that he exists does not mean that he does. I agree that the world is orderly, but that is still no proof of God. Also you do know that if there is a doubt that God is real, there is also a doubt that hell and the devil is real. I agree that the Bible is a moral book and is relevant, but as far as the stories go, many have been disproven and many were exaggerated by their writers.
You will NEVER see me in a church unless there is a funeral or a wedding, and then that is highly doubtful. I have not been to church except once or twice in at least 20 years, I graduated from HBHS in 1982, and it took me until I went away to the AIr FOrce in 1985 to decide and to understand that there really is no relevance in any of it. If it makes YOUR life better, then hey by all means go for it, but it has never really done anything for mine.You are correct, I actually still live in Indiana, and in my part of the state not a soul has heard of them. ALso if you hear God calling you, then you had better get a check, because that is just plain mental! Which is my point, BTW. Thank You for further proving it!
Don Boyd is my father in law and I think I know him better than you. He is a sincere Christian--not perfect--but a devoted Christian. I agree with much of your post and thank you for voicing your opinion. You obviously had some really bad experiences at HB--I had some of my own.
I still choose to follow Christ regardless of my past experiences. I agree that to most the ministry there is irrelevant but this blog was created with someone far different in mind. We wanted this to be a place where those within the belly of the beast could voice their opinions without fear of repercussions. I hope you understand that this was the original intent for Bread and Circuses--still is.
Sorry Matthew, but one last thing to "who cares".
Hey wc, I get your struggles. FBCH has most of you guys so muddled up in your thinking, you couldn't find God with a flash light. You don't want the god that they present...I don't either. The modern brainiacs and so called scholars on tv are also bent on producing lies about the existance of God and so called sciences.
All the debating in the world will not change the fact that he is the "I AM". God bless
I know that you are Don's son-in-law, and I have never disputed the fact that this guy is or was a dedicated christian. But he has always had an anger control issue and I have known Don for more than 30 years, and my opinions of him and his buddies(like Vogel and others) that tried to hijack the schools there and tried to make them a little HAC instead of what they should be has not changed. Also, you act like you have no ties to FBCH, well I know that you are related to Judge Clement somehow(I beleive that he is your grandfather) and Ashley(Ault)Richards is somehow related to you also, and she still teaches there--so your ties are not that severed
I don't think that these guys have ever said or led anyone to believe that they have no ties to Hammond.(their brothers go there) To sum a 1,000 word explanation in just a few; this blog is (like they have said b4) therapeutic. These guys have been through hell with ole' jackie boy. This blog is also for the "still religous/christian" circle (not me) who want to see the lies and garbage (kjv only, schaapism, etc...)uncovered. That's it. If these guys can get 1 person or one family to save their children/themselves from getting brainwashed by this cult, than it's been well worth their time.
Go Bears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To the anonymous poster who linked to "the brights", the following is a listing of who writes their unbiblical hogwash.
"The constituency of Brights is hugely diverse. Besides those who self-identify as atheist, humanist, secular humanist, freethinker, rationalist, naturalist, agnostic, or skeptic, there are individuals who go by their preferred affiliations, such as Ethical Culturalist, Pantheist, Buddhist, Yogi, Wiccan, Transhumanist, or Unitarian. Also part of the gamut of constituents are Jews, Catholics, Quakers, Episcopalians, and others who may personally maintain their religion’s cultural or aesthetic aspects, but not its supernaturalism.
I do not think that linking anyone to those who are on the devils broad way to hell, is "cool", nor is hell cool.
I Timothy 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
Biblical or unbiblical, it's ALL hogwash no matter who publishes it! Come on guys, you are supposed to be educated, you should all know the Bible is just as much a fairy tale as Santa CLause or the Easter bunny is. I have known Schaap since the day he walked into Hammond, he was trouble then and stil is, but you dont get to his position by not being a carbon-copy Hyles. Everybody knows that Schaap is a puppet there. If Cindy could preach and they beleived in women preachers, she would be the pastor.
To the anonymous guy who ranted about the brights:
Stay on the subject. Mr Open-Minded stated his thoughts and beliefs. Obviously they are not yours. The link was for him since that is what he is about. Also, the link was a dual-gooder. I somewhat disagree with him voicing his opinion about (no god, etc...) (I have the same)on this blog because everyone on this site is most likely a Christian. That is why I choose not to comment on my ideas on this blog (courtesy). So if he can find a place that shares his ideas, than he isn't infringing on anyone elses.
I mean doesn't he sound a bit silly telling 2 Christians that what they believe in is hogwash? Of course it does because that is what they believe. He should either go to a different site (hmmm...) or be respectful and comment on their postings in a courteous way.
-Jeffrey Owens
Bro. Schaap, will you adopt me and teach me how to run this great big ole machine??? Whewweee!!! it sure does look like fun!!!
To the guy who mentioned ray young, vogel, etc...
I was back in the "region" the other day and ran across bob auclair. He noticed me and said hi and I responded with "Hey Bob, how are you" He did this double take, with the deer in the headlights look, almost as if I had demeaned him in some way. He has lived in a fake environment for so long that he thinks that he is a real "Dr" and that people should address him as "Dr" or "Bro". Please, what a joke. Also, b4 I wrote this I looked up the church's website to see who else was given a fake doctorate. Are u kidding me? Eddie Lapina? Because he was able to come up with some stories that scared junior highers and high schoolers into serving God. Ha! Johhny Colsten? Because he visits sick people in the hospital, the guy falls asleep in church, Wow. It gets better. Now don't get me wrong, I like Roy Moffitt but for gosh sake, the guy ran buses. Bob Hooker, what exactly has this guy done? Had some sailors over to his house to eat Thanksgiving dinner. Jack Schaap is as delusional as they come.
-Chris Stancell
That's a real place. They will print you a Dr. degree for next to nothing...which is all these guys got!
Dr. trophyshooter
No kidding. We must all be in the wrong profession. We need to get Bob Auclair's job. As Bob, we can have a child die (drown) under our supervision, walk around with a camera on our neck and a goofy grin on our face and really do nothing but receive a doctorate (fake) Now that's the life!
BTW Pete Cowling (REAL DOCTORATE)must throw up when guys like Darrell Moore use Dr in front of their name.
hiccup, hiccup, belch......vommit dripping from mouth & nose.
Did he say Dr. Darrel Moore?
In my time at HAC... this guy was the most carnal, mean spirited person at the school. In the mens meeting in the gym, his preaching was the most vile and harsh towards the people of God that I have ever heard in my life.
The bible speaks of a person being known by their fruit. What fruit, what fruit, what fruit did or does he exhibit???
Did this guy ever repent and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ? Or was HAC the first to call him for a job interview?
"Boys, I better not see any of you sleeping while I preach or I'll point you out and embarrass you like a staff member!"
Is it just me or does Darrell Moore kinda creep everyone out?
Pastor why do you talk with a Texas accent, you said you were from MI?
Sir you yelled at my friend during your sermon for walking out during your preaching.........
Right! He's not man enough to stay under my good preaching!
Sir he's had diarrhea all weekend long.
C'mon Bears, lets whoop them Eagles!!
Bear down Huh!!
Relax guys, I'll bail out Wall Street. FBCH has the 700 billion needed for the financial salvation of America. Tithes & offerings babeeee!!!
I'm right and you are wrong. Besides you weren't a twinkle in you daddy's eye when I started preaching the Bible.
No we are NOT open to having Square Dances at our college, but if we did I'd show em how to swing your partner round-&-round.
Wait, I didn't say that-uh-I'm kidding, I meant how to do-si-do.
I'll wear ties and coats. I'll work on a bus. I'll visit 10 hours every Saturday. I'll ride the night bus. I'll refrain from walking out during your preaching.
But I'm not swallowing a stinking goldfish for you or anyone else.
I just wanted to be #101 and say BEAR DOWN BOYS BEAR DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LET'S RIP THEM FALCONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can't you Circus guys find a pic without all guys in it? Or at least if you're going to have pics of all guys have them in uniform....
OH sorry, these guys are all in their IFBX uniforms.
And my bad, Jack doesn't like real men joining the military. He thinks all they do is wear unifoms, smoke, clean the latrines and steal his girls. It must be that the girls must be so tired of all the preaching about how they are wicked if they wear anything but the FBC "ladies uniforms", that they would prefer to run off with what Jack thinks are latrine cleaners in the service.
Strange reasoning there Jack.
Oh my goodness! It's Pee Wee Herman!
Jack mingles with the little people for a minute without bodyguards.
Obama & Schaap meet.
You didn't understand the sermon. That's OK, hey, I didn't either............
I guess there's 1 thing cool about Osama being elected Prez, Schaap is pissed as $#!*@#
Listen and learn. Out of the mouth of..?
"Fifty and still in love (with myself)"
Interestingly, I just rec'd the brochure for Pastors' School in the mail, 24 years after washing out from HAC. I guess they don't purge their mailing lists.
Here's some of my own HAC history.
Pastor what does it mean to give someone the finger? That is what you said in your sermon about teenagers in your church isn't it? Growing up in church and Christian school, I've never heard that before.
What is I called you "Pastor Jack" out loud?
actually for the guy who said "Obama and Schaap meet" --they actually have met through that racist James T. Meeks(Salem Baptist Church of Chicago) idiot who Schaap claims is a freind of his. According to what I have read Schaap actually liked Obama(shock isnt it!)
I hope everyone has seen IFBsSuck's videos on you tube, GREAT STUFF!!
What is a HACKER, pastor?
Are you a HACKER?
Why aren't HACKERS ever mentioned at the college or church?
Thanks for signing my NIV!
Wow Pastor, that ointment Mary anointed you with smells ggggrrreeeaaattt!!! I hope she sold her hair to "locks of love!" Gotta get me some of that!
Do these boyz have to genuflect before Pope Jack or what? The only difference in IFB and RC is RC has a centralized Pope... IFB popes are local.
This picture speaks a thousand words about the cultic atmosphere within those corners of hysteric funnymentalism. I don't know where to start.
As a mother and grandmother, I'd like to ask you to consider an aspect of displaying this photo that perhaps you have not considered. There are underaged young men displayed in this photo. Were any of them one of my 7 grandsons, I would be angry that you had posted their photo on-line without permission. Not only have you simply posted their photo, you are inviting ridicule of them for being present in a place and with a person with whom you disagree. Of course you are entitled to any opinion you may have about FBCH or Jack Schaap. I have a few negative opinions myself! However, to use young boys who have done nothing but happen to be in a photo with a person you have issue with is at best misguided. How would you feel if you glanced at a "fundie" website and saw a photo of a child that you care about used in like fashion? Please consider leaving innocent bystanders, especially those who are underaged, out of the fray.
who tooted?
I just happened on your blog and have to say this kind of rhetoric is an embarassment to Christianity of any sort... Really...is this the best you can come up with? Mocking? You sound like kids on a playground with your demeaning remarks. It's not even funny. Definitely not humor...just cheap shots! Jesus is not laughing with you. Try writing a blog for grown ups!
What part of "on a lighter note, let's play a fun game" don't you understand? If we wrote a blog for grown ups you wouldn't understand it. Schaap is a heretic and promotes hero worship from his subjects--this needs to be exposed.
And i guess God hired you to do it! I'm sure when you get to heaven God will shake your hand and thank you.
We must have missed the verse Let God be true and every man but Matthew a liar.
My wife and I like like how you admitted your blog was not for grown-ups!
Update alert...Jack is in prison now. Maybe his autograph is worth more now to his adoring fans!
Well... We now clearly see that Jack was a fine con artist! Anybody still wanna defend him? ...It's interesting how people can see an obvious problem four years in advance before the whole charade falls to pieces. I think that should tell us something no?
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